Friday, September 23, 2016


Alright so I have completed my first week in India. This place is absolutely nuts! Forget everything. I'm living in a city called Hyderabad which is in the northern part of the mission. It is surprisingly cool here but it still is Monsoon season so there is on and off flooding! 

I have no idea what people are saying all the time, accent is soooo thick. I have not seen a single white person in this city yet and EVERYONE stares at me. Literally I stick out like a sore thumb it's crazy! In fact we were walking through an area with a bunch of kids playing outside and they are so intrigued by me being so different that they follow me around. I had a parade of 10 Indian kids following me all around my area! 

India is an Urban Jungle. There is so many people but there is just as many animals. Wild dogs, Monkeys, Cats, Goats, Cows, and Camels all are just cruising around the city streets. Cows will just sit in the middle of a busy road no problem! What I have learned here is to just not ask questions. Oh that kid is using the restroom on side of the road. sure. Oh There is a Goat climbing on a motor-scooter. Go ahead. 60 + people on a school bus. how-about 70. This place is nuts and it is very dog eat dog world out here, there is no such thing as a line.  People cut you off driving, buying a bus pass, or checking out my groceries in the store people will just push to get in front of you everywhere. 

I'm Loving India though. The people are very humble and kind and always show so much interest when communicating. Funny thing, is a common thing to ask people here is 
" have you eaten" 
People get so happy when you ask them that. 
I'm happy to finally be here and serve the people here. Love hearing from you all


Elder Erasmus 

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