Monday, August 8, 2016

Transferred, Moving up in the World, Still waiting on a Visa, Baptism Scheduled!

August 8, 2016

Hello Family my sentence for this week is "moving up in the world"

This week was transfers! I got a rad new companion who was in my district before and me and him really get along so I'm very excited to serve with him! He has been out 23 months so I'm "killing" this missionary I guess! BUT there's even bigger news..... WE GOT A CAR! Holy crap there has never been such good news in my life, me and Elder Smith can get so much done in a day, I'm not suffering as much, Life is just good now.

Wow you guys fasted? That's cool! But yep. No visa. I'm alright with being in Arizona for the moment it's been pretty fun and easy almost lol! Transfers this week moved me to the ward literally right next door to my old ward, it's like changing bridle point ward to brown farm ward! I miss my old ward it's weird they transferred me so quick but I'm excited to be working in this ward. We have a baptism coming up for a nice lady named Sheena and her kids, we put them on date I'm very stoked about it! 

I miss the Olympics so much....I'm very bummed I don't get to watch Usain Bolt
Yes I'm still being trained by Elder Smith but he is also a district leader so I'm like an assistant kinda! He is wayyyyyy fun to hangout with and I'm sad he is leaving the mission so soon! 

Last P-day we got the opportunity to go to ASU! I'm still stoked and trying to talk to the AP's to go back! But hey mom I am still in the states so I'm totally open to you sending as many packages as you want I won't be mad (; 

Sounds likes you had a exciting week? You getting old...NOOOO (: are you still running a lot or what's the dealio? Did you have fun at girls camp? Feel free to write me during the week as well so I can ponder what to write more thru the week! Also it's just nice to hear from you guys! We got a new elder in our apartment that always turns off the AC for some stupid reason. He sets the thermo to like 82..... We almost got in a wasn't good but everything is good now. Plus I coulda won cause I'm pretty jacked now, it's great, I love de pump! 

Yo yo yo nick! Are you still getting outside playing Pokemon go or do you not play that as much now? You still should be working on your speed for football it will help you in all sports actually! Dad is a good coach so don't get frustrated with him, he knows what he is talking about most the time! I have met a bunch of crazy kids here! If you ever go boating again with uncle Noel or anybody this summer you should try to surf or wakeboard I'm sure you can figure it out! Love ya bro

This is a heart for you Nicholas <3

Are you stoked for school? I was pretty excited my first semester moving out! I guess my time is coming to end that I get to say I'm more educated than you are lol. Do you have any friends you know that are going there? You need to get more social it will open up so many more doors for you Nathan plus you gotta find a wife sooner or later so why don't you cast your line now right? I'm excited for you Nathan! Remember your mission and what it's taught you and the social skills you developed on it and you will be just fine! Talk with everyone, it won't hurt anybody to introduce yourself! Love you man! Also go to sodalicious if your in Provo, that's where I used to live at, at the village so it would be fun for you to visit there, it's also usually pretty bumpin

What's the point of me writing you if you don't even respond to the things I say to you? Anyways that's cool you had fun on high adventure? What are you gonna do this fall? If your not in football I would take up skiing it's pretty dope man! You'd be good if you just got up there and put the time in! Plus if you do it we can thrash when I'm back! Have fun at school, I know this hypocritical for me to say but listen to good music and hangout with good friends. I have confidence you will make better decisions than I did in high school but honestly the small things are what get to you so just be careful man! 

Trips right z mo 971! Yes I remember football and miss it like CRAZZZY! This guy in our ward moved from Salem hills and coached their football team, they lost to Roy in the playoffs then we lost to Roy lol. He is super tall and his name is John Gustin! He played quarterback at the university of Wyoming! So what's the deal a few weeks ago you emailed me and said you needed to focus on work and it seems like your infinitely involved in football?  I'm guessing your a coach now. Oh wait your always a coach whether you wear the badge or not haha! Nick sounds like he is doing well what are you going to do about speed though? Velocity or just work with him to move his legs? Anyways that storm sounds NUTS! I can't believe you guys are getting hail. It's too hot here! We just get hammered by flash floods and lighting storms. They are called Haboobs... It's an interesting name I know. I miss drinking mountain Dee's and going to get slurpees after football! I miss hanging out with you dad, I hope the other boys are keepin you company! Have you been working out at all? I have been quite a bit and can already see results it's awesome. As missionaries we are supposed to leave commitments with others sooooooo... WILL YOU Leon Erasmus do something active that is different than what you usually do? Let me know how it goes I'll follow up next monday(: I have been thinking about that Olympic thing actually since I have been out, especially since the summer ones are so exciting for everybody! Maybe we can get something started when I get back! I would be open to it if I'm not too shredded for it (; jk well miss you pops!


July 31, 2016

Hey family!
Nick that sounds awesome that your playing football! Maybe you can ball out this year and be an example to Dawson that playing football is sick! I sure miss it!

I'm glad your enjoying my car just don't crash it, and no sport mode. I wish I had a car that nice in high school. I'm gonna be straight up with you, your gonna regret playing football. Just keep in athletics don't get fat and maybe you can play next year! I'm like 170 now so you can't claim your heavier than me.... Sorry bud. Play any melee?

This week not a lot happened. Maybe it would be a good idea to call the travels office but I haven't heard of any other missionaries getting visas yet so I don't know what the deal is. This week is transfers so I'm excited to get a new companion hopefully. Today we went to ASU it was awesome going to the book store and walking down the mail boulevard (mill) we also hiked the mountain right by the stadium! It's funny missionaries in proselyting clothes stick out like a sore thumb there! 

Sounds like you had fun boating this week. And it seems like things are going well if work is busy.  How is it more busy, more patients or just catching up on notes? Miss you man 

Have fun at girls camp. That sounds like a nightmare preparing all that stuff. Kinda disappointed it's keeping you from writing me.... Anyways you usually go above and beyond for events so that should be good! We have a member in our ward who we helped build a time machine. You should get a picture of it sometime! Any ways not much to report on just I feel like a celebrity when I'm biking and people honk at us or members will always give us free food it's awesome

Love you all
Elder Erasmus 

July 25, 2016

Holy cow, friends, what a week! I have been sweating profusely even

though it's been really stormy this week! Arizona is kinda bonkers.

The people hardly ever even think about religion and when we ask them
questions about what part of Jesus Christ they have the strongest
testimony of, or why they believe, they have no clue, like it was the
first time they had ever even thought about what they believe. It's
truly baffling.
This week has been super stormy! Stormy doesn't mean cool though it's
like 100 degrees and dumping rain. This week we got caught in a hubbub
which is like a really crazy dust storm. It hits like a flash, it's
super hard to breath cause of the dust everywhere and there's tons of
Also I forgot to mention, last Saturday, a lightning bolt struck the
ground about 150 yards away from us, while we were outside, and it was
probably the loudest noise I've ever heard in my life. I thought it
was a firework at first, but then I felt my knees go shaky, and I was
forced to the ground, while my ears rung for about 2 minutes. Super
This week has been pretty sweet, we had a challenge to invite somebody
to baptized everyday. We got somebody to say yes at Wendy's it was
awesome! Too bad she doesn't live where we serve and she speaks mostly
Spanish but it was still cool.

Still no word on the Visa yet which is unfortunate but I'm alright

here. Everyday we get fed by members and people are always giving us
free food...blessings man blessings. I am still on a bike which is fun
until I unprecedentedly hit a curb and went over the handle bars... My
my front tire is crooked and rides very wobbly. So yeah I'm the really
sweaty guy in church clothes riding the obscurely bent bike
everywhere. That is my life.

Love to hear from you all

Elder Erasmus

Dear family it sounds like you guys had a fun week! I miss not being able to go up to bear lake..... You guys should realize how sweet that actually is that you get to go there!

Sounds like you had a fun week. Are you excited for football? Has dad done any training with you, cause you definitely need it. I hope you take after your older brothers (me and Nathan) and figure out how to run faster! You should to sprints everyday that will get you faster. Try to practice having a football with you all the time that will get you good at running fast with a ball and also you can work on your catching. Make me a promise you will do that as much as you can this week!

I received my vans this week from mom. When I got the shoes I noticed there was double knots in it..... You better be careful boy.
I don't know if you haven't figured this out yet but I really don't like when you take my stuff especially my clothes. If I were you and was being smart I'd realize that right when I get back you are going to be leaving on a mission so if you don't want me to take all your things you'd better think twice. Shoot the tube is pretty fun though! You should try to go on lots of hikes before summer ends like donut falls. I miss not being able to go outside and do fun things.

Not really much success right now in my mission but I'm working hard, hopefully we will find our diamond in the really really hot rough. Are you going to stay at the warehouse while your in school or what's your plan for that? Miss you man

Hey dad it's great to hear from you. If I was home I'd definitely be on board to go to bear lake. I never got to jet ski so I'm a little jealous right now.  (: I miss you
I am happy that you are receiving blessings by getting the tax thing waived. I still don't know how you do it and are able to provide for 5 kids holy crap! I met a man in my ward who is from Durban South Africa and he is also a chiropractor but unlike Mexicans his niche is women lol. No I didn't get a slurpee I'm still sad about it.... But hey I've heard lots of stories about the adversary and how it does a lot of scary things to missionaries. I don't know how being in Louisiana what that's like. I can imagine you probably saw a lot of scary things with all the voodoo and just weird people that are there? Anyways lots of creepy stuff, or what, cause you never really told me too many stories about your mission. I miss you though, I've been thinking a lot about you and your work and possible marketing tactics I could help with once I'm back! That's probably good that your focusing on work this fall it will be good for you because work is the only way we can receive blessings. Praying for ya bud

I'm excited for you to go to girls camp. Your right girls are different. A little joke we have in our mission is "flirt to convert" (: lol my week has gone really good we were in a dust storm which was crazy! I'll attach a picture. Thanks so much for the package my companion is really envious of how nice my parents are haha. I have been teaching a lot of member lessons trying to strengthen the ward. It's going well I bike way too much, my legs are huuuuuge. I'm now like 165 pounds. Visa still hasn't come which is a little disappointing but I'm still hopeful. We get to go to ASU campus next pday I'm going to try to get a sun devils hoodie or hat who knows. New mission president he is pretty cool. He is the ceo for mr Mack suits so that's cool. Not much has happened this week except I had been challenged to ask someone to be baptized everyday. I did it. But the only girl that seemed really interested and said yes we had to send her to the Spanish missionaries....
Miss you all

Elder Erasmus 

July 18, 2016

Hey family I miss you guys, 

This week we met with a guy named Jo
Jo is a recovering drug addict that should have been dead like 4 times, anyways we were teaching him and he told us about a vision/Lucid dream he had where he received a sword and got a blessing from a priest. Then he told us we was going to us the sword to stab and kill satan... He was saying some crazy stuff but we thought maybe he was just being metaphorical and meant he just wanted to fight off the adversary so told him we were ministers of Jesus Christ. We told him we could give him a blessing to help him out and comfort him but he just said "nahhhh I gotta get the sword first" lol I don't know how the guy plans to do this but he is interesting.

Not much is happening new here in Arizona just trying to get along with companion. Idk where you got 6 people from but there is only 4 of us in the apartment and elder folkman is my favorite. He gave me a tie and hat and is a pretty cool guy. If you could get some penguin ties from Nordstrom and send them my way it would be much appreciated. I feel like I have none and am wearing the same one everyday. Yeah I do need my shoes for when I skate and there hasn't been any news. 
I get it Dawson plays lacrosse dad, you don't need to tell me every week lol.There's 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in my house. 
Come visit me in Arizona if you can
Also I've gained like 10-15 pounds here. I'm racking in at a 168.....

Love you guys here is another pic

July 11, 2016

Hey everybody sorry it has taken me so long to write I have been super busy and feel there is never any time to

Unfortunately My visa for India hasn't come yet so for the last 3 weeks I have been serving in the Tempe Arizona mission. 

Never go to Arizona in the summer it is currently 108 degrees outside today. My new companion is elder Harris from washington and he is a interesting guy! We have lots of fun Biking in the hot sun all day and even more fun showing up to random peoples houses begging for water. fun fact about Arizona is it is illegal to decline someone water at the door so that is usually the best technique to get inside a home! We went to a place called guadalupe which is literally mexico here in the US. everything is Spanish... everything, Some guy asked me for some Pesos! 

The members are really good here and my roomates are super awesome. Elder Folkman is my favorite he used to be sponsored skater and is teaching me how to kick flip! 

Elder Harris (my comp) trained a kid before me who also was a visa waiter and was going to india and he got his in one transfer which is a little comforting! Its funny how many people are outside we can talk to because apparently there's a new pokemon game on the iphone that evrybody down here plays which makes them go to different places around town so we just go to those spots and wait for the people to come to us! 

Miss you all and would love to hear from you! 
Elder Erasmus

here is a pic of the scariest Ronald Mcdonald 

Inline image 1

Dear Family

I love you guys so much it looks like you guys have had a lot of fun

this summer so far, please save some for me when I get home! I am
probably tanner than all you! I actually really like the watch it's
fun to see how much steps I get a day. You should start using yours
mom it's actually pretty fun! I got 14000 today which is good I think
your supposed to aim for 10000 a day! But yea I got the packages and
they are great. Is there anything I can do for you guys? I met a guy
this week who was from another church mad gave me a little MARY
keychain thing and said " hey hey guy you know anybody in comas?
Uhhhhh no? Well this will wake them up I promise it's been blessed!
Lol it was funny

July 3, 2016

Hey mom not much time to write today so I'll keep things short
I really like the watch is wasn't what I expected but it will work. How much did you buy it for because some guy in the ward I serve at here works for garmin and can get like 45% off.  This week was really hot. For fun we like to ride our bikes thru the sprinklers whenever we get the chance. This week we borrowed somebody's dog and took it to the dog park to proselyte it wasn't as effective as we thought but we did get to talk to quite a lot of people. We don't really have any too serious investigators but we did meet a nice lady who offered us water and when we visited with her more she decided to invite us to dinner. She isn't a member and their kids are all older and moved out so I think they are just lonely. We went to dinner and met her husband they were really stereotypical about Mormons at first i.e. Asking how many moms and girlfriends I had and things about caffeine and such but we were able to clear things up with them. Turns out she is a Lutheran and her husband is a messiahnic Jew who is also a tax auditor which I thought was kinda funny. I am doing alright haven't gotten the package quite yet and am really earning for my visa. It's so hot here I just want to shower all the time, I love you guys so much

Things I would like before I leave America would be
Bilton meat that dad gets and if there's any way you can get Stoney's soda it would be much appreciated. I miss you guys so much and the home sickness is starting to kick in, the days are really long and hot and I feel there is no time for myself. It's humbling but idk sometimes I just get bored. I got yelled at by a bunch of drunk guys while at proselyting. I was on there porch sharing the first message and these guys were obviously blasted And not having any of it. Still I finished my message and said a prayer for them while on the porch it was quite interesting, I would like another pair of Nike basketball shorts and maybe a shirt. If you could get one from scheels and said it I would be very happy,

Love you all
Elder Erasmus 

A little visit from my favorite sister