Monday, October 3, 2016

West Marredpally, Hyderabad

This week has been great I am serving in the West Marred-pally 3rd ward.  I live in Aneesh towers so yeah its like an apartment complex.  It is just me and my companion living there.  We try to cook in our apartment but usually it's just toast and then we go eat out at some Biriyani chicken place.  The city of Hyderabad is crazy!  There are Muslims and Hindus everywhere! There is lots of poor and some with wealth. In India you are considered very wealthy if you have a car. We take the bus usually to all the different areas we serve in.  My favorite is Alwal because it is very rural and less busy and less people so it's nice. We also take these little three wheeler type vehicles called "autos" to places.  They are fun but all auto drivers are junk. They will try to rip you off so hard. 

Also I cut off a lot of my hair. Here is my new mugshot

We are teaching lots of people, the unfortunate thing is people won't take baptism because either their parents say no or they just don't get any support from family.  So we are constantly trying to find the right people.  A fun thing is everyday we have to get off the bus at a certain street to walk to our home but the bus doesn't make a stop - ever, so what we have to do is literally hangout the side of the bus and jump off the moving bus.  It's fun but a little nerve racking when the bus is going very fast. 

My area is quite big it is from Marred-pally all the way up to Jedimetla and Alwal, so very large.  This city has a little of everything most of the tech jobs are not here though. they are located in "Hi-Tech" city which is more west than where I am. There is literally so many people its makes me feel very small in such a big world.  Americans are treated very well except everyone tries to rip me off.  For getting an auto (3 wheeler for quick transportation) I have my companion, Elder Martin (who is Indian) talk to the driver while I hide behind the vehicle.  They are so surprised when a white guy jumps in!  My favorite food is chicken Biriyani or Buttered Naan.
There is a drink here called Thums up, it is a soda I get most days for about 75 cents.  It is found in America but not easy to get.  It is soooooo good.  Mom I think it would be fun if you could find it and let everyone in the family try it so they can experience a little bit of what I am.
Today, I am off to a place called Charminar - I will try and take lots of pictures.
Elder Erasmus

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