Thursday, November 10, 2016

No Halloween in India

October 31, 2016


No not Halloween, Indians celebrate a holiday on OCT 30th called Diwali,a Hindu Holiday, where they celebrate the triumphant return of a Hero that killed a Sri Lankan king...idk, its basically just like the Fourth of July. There is plenty of Fireworks, Parades, and the whole city is caked with orange and yellow flowers. I enjoyed the festivities and all the embracing hugs from drunk people on the streets. 

I am still in the city Hyderabad but I received a new companion from North India, Elder Sundas. He is teaching me (well trying to teach) the complex language of HINDI. 

The last few weeks have been so full of crazy experiences.. I visited a place called Golconda Fort which is an ancient Muslim fort on top of a mountain, I rode some pretty decorative Camels, and was chased by a wild Great Dane (dog). India still is giving me new experiences everyday.  I've developed a motto for every situation... "No Problem".  Here in India it is very illegal to kiss or show affection to women in public, in fact even the bus is segregated women in front men in the back. BUT it is completely fine to use the restroom wherever you please.  So just the opposite of America "you can piss but you can't kiss". Also another funny thing that I had to get used to is when Indians go out with friends or walking down the street with their buds they will almost always be holding hands.  So many guys holding hands together it was funny to get used to hahaha!

Lastly, this week I had some interesting nights.  But the best was spending Diwali festival at a members home. We got there and their two girls immediately began to plead for us to play UNO with them. I don't know why they are obsessed with playing but we did. After, we had an awesome Dinner called "Chicken Biriyani" then got to blow some stuff up with the member and his firecrackers.  It was pretty cool and super loud... my ears are still ringing. The work here is really good so many peoples lives are being blessed and I'm so happy I've been able to find the ones God has prepared me to meet. Love hearing from all you, thanks for the support.

Elder Erasmus

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